Friday, July 1, 2011

An Introduction

Most people, like me, have been inspired by the movie The Bucket List to create their own Bucket Lists.

I have decided to create this blog to keep track of all the things on my own Bucket List that I want to complete before I die. It's amazing how writing things down makes them more likely to happen. Some of the things I listed are typical, others are strange or childish, but I have discovered a lot about myself in the process and I plan on adding more. As of writing this introduction I have a list of at least 150 things. I'll add a couple of them on here each day until all 150 are on here. I will also continue to add more when I think of them.

Please note that when I complete an item on my Bucket List, I will mark it as COMPLETE with the completed date and possibly a picture of my own.

As much as I'd love to claim originality for creating this blog, I'm copying someone else. She really inspired me to create my own blog. You may visit Alicia's Bucket List blog here:

I am hoping that with my list I inspire other people to take a notebook or create a blog just like this one and jot down all the things you've ever wanted for your life. Don't ever be afraid to dream big. You deserve it! I want to invite you to start your Bucket List right NOW! :)

Let the adventures begin...